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Clusters – How to Make Them Work for You

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Great email client
 – The function of this email app is probably the best that I’ve ever used. I’ve always used the mail app that came with me phone as I never found a better one. This app changed that! The ability to group threads on and off is a great feature. I love the image identification, too. It makes it really easy to identify the sender. – Tod Reinheimer (BlueMail, Google Play Store)

Clusters are a unique and innovative feature offered by BlueMail. Let’s take a closer look at Clusters and how they make emailing easier.

BlueMail Cluster Picker

You can enable Clusters by tapping the top action bar in the middle (indicated by the V) and choose from the following:

Now that we have Clusters enabled, let’s learn about what Clusters can do for us.

BlueMail Cluster People Inside

With Clusters turned on, our emails become aggregated into one expanding slot. This enables us to have the most relevant and recent email in our inbox at all times helping to ensure that with BlueMail, you never miss a beat.

Some email providers try to clean your inbox using tabs for social, promotions, forums, updates and others. While the inbox may seem cleaner, important emails are lost or irrelevant by the time you look at them.

If we wanted to stop receiving an email from these services, we would simply unsubscribe. If someone just added you on LinkedIn and offered you the dream job, do you really want to miss that alert? What if there is a new Groupon deal in your area, only valid for today?

Clusters from BlueMail is a smarter and more efficient solution to organizing your inbox.

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